London, United Kingdom
dugong /ˈduːgɒŋ,ˈdjuː-/ //noun// noun: dugong; plural noun: dugongs; plural noun: dugong //1. a sea cow found on the coasts of the Indian Ocean from eastern Africa to northern Australia. It is distinguished from the manatees by its forked tail.// 2013 saw this little Dugong migrate from the warm climes of Darwin, in the Northern Territory of Australia, to the more hostile climes on London. //2014 sees the Dugong take on the crazy challenge of the Tour de Force. 21 days, over 3,500km, one week ahead of the (other) pro cyclists in the Tour de France.// Join me in what will be a journey of crazy self discovery, on a bike.//

Sunday, 15 June 2014

What have I done ?!?!

Let's face it, now is not the time for doubts. Which I why I left it until now to look at the Tour de Dugong course. I just spent the last hour putting the maps here on the blog, so that you can all follow along IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS (*hyperventilating right now*). Typing distances that regularly exceed 200kms per day.

I just had what I think/hope is my last big weekend of training- a 150km ride + 30 min run Saturday, and 90km ride + 20 min run Sunday.

The mind boggles at how I am going to get through 21 days, which are nearly all 150km - 200km WITH hills and mountains. So, please cross your fingers with me, and watch this space as things start to get interesting. And probably a bit/lot painful.

Holy Dugong.

1 comment:

  1. Saw you out training Saturday at Heacham traffic lights and then on Hunstanton cliffe top road - in car with relatives so couldn't shout hello !!
    So just looking at blog again to see how its all going.
    Well done for Hawaii performance and sticking to the gruelling training regime - it will all pay off I'm sure.
    Good luck for the next two weeks training and taper before the big Tour !!
